Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker

I have been reviewing speakers in the $5K price range and came across the Alta Audio Alyssa speaker. I have put these on my watch list. I am very interested in hearing if anyone  has personal experience in listening to these speakers. What other speakers would you compare them to. Interested in reading what you have to say.



It sounded like the midrange driver did not correctly meet the tweeter making vocals seem recessed / distant / veiled. There was a suckout that just didn't work for me. The Stereophile measurements of the Alyssa not only show the suckout, but a peak at about 1.5k that make it even more obvious. It was clearly audible. 

Thanks for this. I for one am crossing them of my list. 



So, what's next in your search???

Are you lucky enough to live near to a Joseph dealer who has Pulsars in stock?

I'm not ;o\

I contacted Joseph and was told they have no dealers in N. CA !