Hagtech, In your equation, I assume R is the internal resistance of the cartridge and L is the cartridge inductance. Since you speak of "bandwidth", "f" must be bandwidth. Further I assume R is in ohms and L is in henries. I must have something wrong, because if those assumptions are correct, then LOMCs with high internal R (>>10 ohms), like the Kiseki, would have much greater bandwidth than a typical LOMC with an internal R of ~10 or less. This happens because LOMCs have very low inductance, usually less than 50 microhenries, and therefore the denominator is always going to <<1.0. Further, I would think an equation to determine bandwidth resulting from a specific match between cartridge and phono would have to include parameters of both the cartridge and the phono stage.
For example, the Kiseki with an internal resistance of 40 ohms and an inductance of say 50 microhenries or .000050 Henries (cannot find the actual value on line) would have a bandwidth in excess of 100KHz. Whereas a more typical LOMC with an internal R of 4 ohms and similar inductance would have a ten-fold narrower bandwidth. Even if such a cartridge has also a lower inductance, that would not help much; the predicted value for f would still be well below 100kHz.