I recently placed some Vibrapods under my Oppo 103 and was very pleasantly surprised at the result. On the strength of this I bought a used Townshend Platform to replace the Vibrapods, which elevated the sound further. The difference was IMO well worth the greater expense.
Prior to the Vibrapods I had 3 Isoacoustics Oreas under the Oppo and can state that in my system the Vibrapods were superior at a fraction of the price. I will not be considering Isoacoustics again.
Spikes contrary to popular opinion do not decouple and will allow vibration to pass in either direction. I have proved this to myself by using an old tone arm and cheapo cartridge jury rigged to rest on the surface of the speaker or component of interest and noted the V/output. This is a sensitive and informative way to understand vibration transmission. If amplified through a phono stage simply shouting at the rig will produce results. Best done behind closed doors 🙄
I will be removing the Gaia feet from my speakers and replacing them with DIY damped springs sized to the weight to provide a resonant frequency of about 3Hz.