CEC TL0X not playing long CD

Anyone experienced this problem with this or other transports - I have seen some claims this can be a problem in "high end" - mine will not play right through a FIM sampler that is 86 minutes long.

This is a guess (50% chance of being correct):
A CD player's laser unit slides to and fro along a rail, usually a stainless steel rod.
My guess is that none of your CDs is longer than the FIM CD, therefore the laser sled has never reached the far end of the rail (CDs are recorded from the center to the outer edge). The grease used to lubricate CD mechanisms tends to harden over time, usually at both ends of the sled.
Cleaning and lubricating LIGHTLY the sled with white lithium grease will probably fix it.

Good luck
Thanks Casouza - I have tried that exact thing and it did read further than before - I suspect the problem is more than lubrication - I will fiddle with it some more

For anyone who is interested the problem was the flat wire to the laser assembly was pressing against the housing at the end of its travel - it just needed a small bend added - thankfully a simple solution