Tube vs Solid state for Preamp

Like opinions on this match up

Running audible illusions L3 preamp. into (jumpers removerd) Krell 350 mcx in a Biamped arrangement.

Would going solid state be an upgrade in Lowend control of the krell



Your question is very specific -- it’s about low end control.

I’m assuming you’re not interested in general opinions about SS vs. Tube preamps.

So, the question is quite technical:

What is the impact of tube vs. SS technology for controlling the lower frequencies?

I’ve never heard that a preamp matters for low end control, but perhaps there are people more informed?

The Audible Illusions L3 preamp has a solid state power supply. 😎


i’d say it’s a mistake to try to generalize about tube or solid state preamps having better or worse bass. amplifier-speaker relationships would be more dominant for bass performance than particular preamps.

easier to make a case that past a certain level of gear, preamp to amplifier same brand synergy is more significant. at more modest levels of gear, for stand alone preamp; it’s case by case.

so audition other preamps in your price range, in your own system, with an open mind. or ask other Krell amp owners about it.

i do agree that preamp bass performance can be significant. for instance, at the top of the food chain, the Gryphon Apex Commander preamp does have more bass authority than my darTZeel preamp. but musically the dart preamp is more musical overall. the dart gets out of the way, the Gryphon takes control. a matter of musical priorities.

personaly i have no interest in hearing the gear signature as a non musical coloration imprinted over every recording, i prefer the music. YMMV.

Thank you for the replies, its all about the musicality for sure.

Good Information all, Krell is fully balanced will look into preamps of the same

Had A Bat Vk51SE here needed to be repaired ect. Fully balanced.

What is the output impedance of your current tube preamp? This can have an effect on bass performance. I have a tube preamp with single ended outputs with a krell ksa 300s amp, and have great bass performance.