Acoustic Zen Adagio or Revel F208?

I have kind of narrowed it down to these two speakers for a bedroom system. Due to being in a bedroom with the bed and furniture I will not have an ideal setup. I am looking for a speaker that will sound decent at lower volumes. I do have a sub and have an older Coda CSiB integrated. Any input on these choices would be appreciated.

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Simao: Thanks for the input. Nice to hear from someone that has experience with both speakers. I do kind of want to use a small floor standing speaker.

12many: What was it about the Revel that made you shy away from using them?

I don't know if I would characterize either those models as particularly small. I mean, compared to some of the high-end behemoths they are but if you're looking for a small floor stander, you might consider something from totem or silver line or even the reference 3A Veena

Some really good deals on Revel right now. There is a pair of 226be for $3500 on music direct’s website. Probably fit your room and comes with a much better tweeter. I have bought from them before and had good service. 

James633: I checked music direct and did not see the 226be’s for $3500. That would be a good deal.


Hmm that pair must have sold already.

there is still a white and grey pair for $4680. Often the odd colors are cheaper as they are harder to sell I guess. Click on the colors to see the different prices. I bought a pair of grey 228be almost 1/2 off from them and used them for a year or so. They were marked as open box but showed up with the plastic film still on them. I ended up liking the grey more than I expected. All the painted Revels look pretty plasticky though and the plastic parts don’t help the look. But I have heard nothing sound better in their price range… just different