"All sound good on my system" as i also said does not means that heavily mixed pop music badly recorded sound suddenly "audiophile. Not at all . Crap stay crap...
But when you can hear the trade -off choices of any recording you are astounded to hear for the first time all acoustics parameters pertaining to each album...
The timbre of the playing instrument suddenly communicate spatial information and location of the recorded instruments and more hues.
Before the improvement in your system you could not hear WHY and HOW bad the recording was now you hear how bad and why it is so bad (mixing bad tricks for example)...It stay as it was before the improvement in the system/room but now you hear how and may even enjoy it better if you like already this music for this same reason...if you dont like this music you8 hate it more knowing why ...😊
When we listen music we hear three phenomenon :
the music,
the sound quality of our system/room but through this ,
I hear also the acoustics trade-off set of choices of the recording engineer from the album itself ...
And we are happy "all sound good" because we dont confuse the three phenomenon after the improvement in the same bad acoustic soup ...
if what i said was not true i would have never been able to tune my room , unable t6o distinguish what comes from the recording acoustics trade-off and what come from the system room limitations.😊
IF one listens to a variety of music, from different types of producers and companies:
Recording quality varies.
Mastering quality varies.
There are different purposes for different mixes.
There are so many variables.
How *could* they all sound good on one’s system?