Is there any fan of Mettalica here?



But it is not easy to reproduce the sound of Mettalica due to very high dynamics and bass.





Several Metallica recordings have gotten butchered/botched by the mastering guy on crack. It's unfortunate indeed. I've had to go to great lengths to salvage some Metallica, Maiden, Testament, etc.. their recordings.

If you're looking for a surprisingly high quality metal recording to test a hifi rig (for metal that is, in recent times), get the hirez master for a fairly new, but seemingly popular indian folk metal band called "Bloodywood". The album's name appears to be "Rakshak".

(Crank it up and don't forget to fasten the seatbelt on this one)


Opeth (Swedish prog metal band) is another decent option that didn't get all their recordings butchered by mastering guy on crack.


Demos, early live shows. They lost me after Justice. Then on a whim I picked up, the last 3-4 used. Pleasantly surprised. No respect earned, but descent enough releases.  

I enjoyed saint anger. Am I only one? I like the thin demo garagy flat sound, reminds me of tape trading in the 80’s.  Only prob w that release and many, WHERE ARE THE SOLOS KIRK?. buttpirate 


I liked St Anger as well, garage sound and all.


Happy Listening!