Considering Revising My Tonearms. Input On This Option Considered

A couple of days ago I let my recently acquired Triplanar VII U2 go. I have been thinking about my current collection of analog bits and pieces and have been trying to decide on how I want to move forward. First table is a SOTA Cosmos Eclipse with a SME V of unknown age on it. The second table is a Scheu Audio Das Laufwerk No2 on it with a Schroder CB-1L arm. There is a provision for a second arm and I do have a Dynavector DV505 I will put back in place. The removable headshell lets me play with cartridges a bit, and I find that a desirable option. 


I would tend to think the SOTA is the superior table, but so far the differences between it and the Scheu are minimal. The question I have been considering "Is this related to the SME V?" What will it take to improve upon it, and are the differences significant? 

I guess the final question is does it make sense to liquidate most items and pare this down to one turntable? At what level is there meaningful improvements over the SOTA? If so, is the Schroder competent enough to be carried over. 

If I did replace the SME V on the SOTA, I do have a line on a Graham Phantom II that is an option. The layout of the SOTA armboard limits things to a 10 inch arm or shorter, and weighing less than 2.2 pounds. 


Cartridges I have available are an Ortofon Verismo, Transfiguration Audio Proteus, Ortofon MC2000, Kiseki Blackheart (1st generation), and Audio Tekne MC-6310. If I pared things down to one table it might limit me on what cartridges can be used. 

Thoughts and considerations are welcome. Right now the thought is do I obtain the Graham and put it on the SOTA or do I revamp the whole set up?


@lewm Unfortunately the Schroder is an 11 inch arm and the SOTA can only accept 9 to 10 inch arms. 

@elliottbnewcombjr That is one aspect of the Graham, it has detachable arm wands. They do come up on the used market from time to time, a bit spendy, but you can find them. Having a second one would be convenient, and probably makes cartridge installation a bit simpler. 


looks like you have an assembly of nice arms and a couple of nice turntables. they can all do the job. but........if you are trying to go to the next level, debatable whether switching around combinations from your current collection is going to jump you up.

OTOH i think your cartridge selection is a level or two higher than your arms and turntables. they are NOT holding you back.

so what to do?

maybe consider auditioning higher level turntables and arms. maybe the Brinkman Balance, the Jay Sikora in your price range, or the CS Port TAT1. three next level but not bank breaking turntables. take a look at higher level arms.

have you heard higher level turntables or arms that appeal to you? know people who own some of those?

it comes down to whether you want a collection of nice stuff, or go all in on a singular set-up at another level.

My friend just ordered and promptly received a Morch DP-6 with two armwands. I saw it unmounted, gorgeous looking.

(their web site spells  then the tonearm page spells Morch)

morsch tonearm specs, many optional arm wands,


they have an extensive list of cartridge/arm wand combinations.

moersch prices

If used is considered, the Micro-Seiki 505 is a great and affordable choice.

S version is Silver Wire.

Arm height by lever while playing.

Fitting for removable headshell is adjustable to set azimuth.

I installed a 9" and a 12" on my friend’s two arm Luxman PD444 TT

I bought my JVC Victor 2 arm plinth and TT81 from Vlad, and my friend bought 1 of his two 505 arms from Vlad. He packs things very safely.

vlad’s 9" silver 505s, original headshell and cable


; the Luxman is shallower and wider, fits on normal depth rack.


My JVC 2 arm Plinth is deeper, less wide, I had to have a deeper glass shelf made, happily the weight is concentrated in the front.


Multiple Arms

Luxman has a built-in a/b switch under the deck up front, only a single phono cable out needed

I used a SUT with 3 inputs, including PASS for MM. only a single phono cable out needed