Improving performance of RealTraps Mondo Bass Trap

I was originally going to purchase GIK Softfit Bass Traps because they had much better performance data compared to the RealTraps Mondo bass traps installed across a corner. However I was able to pick up some Mondo bass traps at a very good price. While I am pleased with the results of the Mondo panels I am wondering if I can improve their performance by filling the space behind the panel with some material. Would this improve the bass trapping performance? If so, what material is suggested?

Thank you.
Ghosthouse I have the RealTraps Mondo Corner bass trap. I have it straddling the inward corner between two the intersection of two walls. Since the Mondo is straddling the corner there is plenty of space behind it.
The ASC Tube Traps out performed the RealTraps Mondo Traps and the GIK Base Traps when each pair were straddling the front corners in my room. They are the real deal !
Samhar, the ASC tubes are indeed very nice but also much more expensive. I'm on a budget!ll
If budget is a concern you might look at these Cornerblox. Reasonably priced and should fit behind your traps. I ordered a set and delivery was prompt.
Thank you Timrhu. I just wish they publish some data. I'm trying the get better performance from 60hz and below.