Devore 093 compared to o96

I have the o93, and with my Thoress amps I haven’t heard anything better. But I’m wondering as we do in this hobby.

who has upgraded from the o93 to the o96 and what were your findings?


I'm running mine with Thoress 845 and Thoress ff preamp.


thanks for your info and time.




No, not offended or anything.


I have read that guys threads your right he has a way with words.


i feel I need to hear them in my room, which will mean taking the leap.


i recently added quite a bit of acoustic treatment and what a difference that made.


hearing the speakers somewhere else with other amps and gear isn’t going to give me a true picture I don’t think.


the guy I bought my o93’s from said he thought the o96 was 10 percent better than the o93. That’s his experience. He also said the bass was more pronounced as well as the tone sounded more real.

music is art and art is subjective. I thought hearing from actual owners would give me my best chance at what the differences are.

Reading what someone thinks about them but chooses another speaker just muddies the waters for me.

the tone of the devores are just right with my setup.


having the bigger speaker seems like there would just be more of that.


thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.





the guy I bought my o93’s from said he thought the o96 was 10 percent better than the o93. That’s his experience. He also said the bass was more pronounced as well as the tone sounded more real.

That too is a very valid summation. Art Dudley and Tom Gillette (aka Sam Telling) seemed to prefer the O/93's. Besides the slight discontinuity/wrinkle in the midrange, the O/93's have a tendency to sound wide, high, but flat (lack of depth) that the O/93's don't have (there is depth of field to the O/96's). 

I have reached the age and point in life where I am done chasing for something better. At some point for any given person there really is no better-just different. I love the O/93's. I bought a pair of Spendor D7.2's brand new from Galen Carol about two years after buying the O/93's and regret that purchase. They do little wrong but just don't make me smile. I also have a pair of original B&W 805 Matrix that bought new way back in early oughts and I had modified with better crossover caps and internal wiring by John of Van L Speakerworks in Chicago and I really need to pull them out and give them a turn. Imho, there is something magical about those speakers that only got worse and not better in subsequent iterations. 

I’m giving consideration to DeVore speakers so appreciating comments here. It led me to the Prof’s long post and the Stereophile reviews..

It seems listening distance can be critical with both the O/93 and O/96. Perhaps that is the problem Herb found since his room is quite small and I believe he listens at a short distance.

For me, my room and budget would guide me to the O/93.

I have owned a bunch of different speakers, the tone of a cymbal or vocals is just spot on for what I find to be real sounding. Devore O93 does it

none of the other speakers did that.

I do believe you have to have synergy and with the Thoress amps and preamp, well they play very well together.


I have the luxury to pull my speakers up to 7 feet into the room so a lot of room to adjust for best placement.


thanks again


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