$5000 universal player ... am I a fool ?

So now ... recently my old reference source player finally died and I needed to upgrade to keep up with the times, and I'm not sure if I played the part of a fool or no.
Redbook CD is of the utmost importance to me, even though it is done in the context of my home theater system, Egads ! So I went on the search to find a DVD player that would hold it's own against about any CD player in the $5000 range on down. I'm fairly sure I found that in the Lexicon RT-20 I purchased used off these forums. SQ is as good as any CDP I have owned up to about $7000.
Here is my dilema though : Blu Ray seems to be the future, and this "universal" player does not play Blu Ray.
I've read EVERY long post on these forums about Blu Ray playing 2ch audio, but there seems to be absolutely ZERO concensus about this subject.
So simply put, are there ANY Blu Ray players that MAY equal my RT-20 from it's analogue outputs ? Anyone heard a good comparison, or are we still just guessing ?
Thanks to everyone who contributed their thoughts and advice. After looking at it and studying it closely, I have came to this decision: At this time there is NO Blu Ray universal player that can compete with my Lexicon at a reasonable price. I'm now looking at the Lexicon as a world class SACD and Redbook CD player, that may have the best DVD playback as well, and all for $800. I'll add a reasonably priced Blu Ray player to the mix and call it done. Thanks again
Hi Timtim,

Thanks for this post. I was looking for this kind of confirmation going with an RT-20 I just acquired for cheap. Thanks for sharing your views and experience. I am now content with the purchase and will likely consider the Oppo bluray shortly.


Ozzy -- How are you ordering an Oppo Blu-ray? Is it available now? How much does it cost?
Timtim...........I was in the same dilema and ended up buying a good Universal player that played everything but BluRay. I then sent it to Chris Johnson of Part ConneXion and for very little money had it modded to an essentially world class universal player! The only thing BluRay is good for is BluRay! There are so many DVD that have fantastic picture when modded like this, the difference is subtle!

So in the end, you can pick up a $5k to $10K player on here used for $1K to $2K and mod it to world class audio and video, (but not bluray) or you can pick up an $800 Oppo and mod it up to $2K and have just that, an Oppo that plays everything including Bluray.......but will not touch the other player in audio reproduction, and it's still and Oppo!!

Personally I'm sticking with the modded Universal players like the Esoteric or Faroudja, and waiting for a format like the Meridian Sooloos to come out that also plays video!