Best subwoffer crossover with room correction

I have a Rogue Stereo 100 Dark amplifier and Vandersteen 2ce Mkiii speakers (-3db at 29 Hz). I use an Icon LA 4 preamplifier. I have an 1. An SVS 300 subwoofer, 2. A Triad q3 inch, 700 wat subwoifer, and 3. A Snell 18 inch subwoofer with 499 watts amplification.  . I  tried to  use the REW Software and the parametric SVS 3000, but could not obtain a smooth bass frequency response. I think I need a crossover at 70% below the lower limit (20 Hz), it will not overlap with my main speakers. So I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good crossover for my subwoofer. I know that the Vandersteen Sub3 is designed specifically for my purpose and may be my best option.


I had concerns about introducing a digital stage into my completely analog system. I prefer the idea of a crossover (say 40 Hz), then using the SVS3000's digital parametric equalizer to smooth out the bass.


I need to find an analog crossover since the miniDSP introduces a digital stage between my preamplifier and amplifier. I would appreciate suggestions for an audiophile-grade analog crossover. I hope I do not need to revisit my electrical engineering textbook (from 1972) and build one myself.


I am impressed and grateful for the high level of audio engineering and experience your answers bring to my questions. Thank you all very much.



40 Hz is too low. I agree with Vandersteen that 100Hz is about the right place for a crossover.

It is an unfortunate Audiophile myth that lower is better, but the handful that have tried going over to higher crossovers have learned the benefit.

Just be aware the linked crossover is quite a bit pricier than the norm. See HiFiShark’s sold/expired tab for examples of past listings of the CR1.
This model is supposed to be a wonderful unit - I have no experience with it yet, just a heads up that $3500 is more than most used units.

@kykat  - Oh man the prices on the Vandersteen crossovers are out of this world.  I thought they used to have less expensive in-line crossovers. 

You can make your own single-ended crossover with high-end copper foil caps for 1/10th of those prices.  Of course these would only be 6 dB/octave but I'm afraid the prices on the Vandersteen site are way too rich for me.