Magnapan LRS+ VS .7

Hello All,

Thinking about trying Magnapan for the first time. Looking at mainly the .7s. My room is about 9’ x 12’ and the speaker placement is limited. (It’s my living room with TV and such) Listening location is quite close at about 7 feet if the speakers are out from the back wall 20 inches. Speakers will be placed about 7.5 feet apart. Not much to work with but I have no choice. Actually the whole cottage is only 20’ x 20’. VERY simple easy life, retired. 😎

Anyone have the luxury of being able to compare the LRS+ and .7s? My amp is REGA Aethos. Mostly CD listening for now. Jazz, instrumental guitar/piano, Some R&B, light rock. But, NIRVANA is within arms reach when in the mood.

Can’t really go to a dealer. None anywhere close within four hundred miles. IF they even have them in stock.

Now using SVS Ultra Towers with subwoofer.

Lawrence From MI



Anyone who says the LRS is a poor sounding speaker likely has never heard them set up properly.  Yes you do need a good high current amp to drive them and the further away from the wall you can place them the better.  Set up properly with a good amp and they are amazing, there is nothing in that price range that can match them.

I have finalized my setup in the small office with the LRS+.

  • I tried a lot of amps with the LRS+
    • The best cheap amp was the PeachTree GAN400
    • The best amp was the CODA #16. That 100 watts of class A works nicely with the slightly bright LRS+. The CODA #16 is a beast of an amp, very powerful.
    • The second-best amp, and what I will use long term, is the Sanders Magtech. It lacked that beautiful warmth of the CODA but I think I solved that with my preamp and DAC
  • I am using a slightly warm and uterrly silent Holo Audio Serene preamp
  • I found the slightly rolled off and warm-ish Yggi+ Less Is More DAC amazing with the LRS+

So, I am done with the LRS+ system. One way to potentially improve this system is to get the comparable speaker from these guys, but I will not do that.

Diptyque audio - Hauts-parleurs plans Haute-Fidélité - Home

Curios about the PeachTree GAN400. I've sometimes seen that PeachTree in general don't drive Maggies very well. Is this true overall?

I have owned the GAN 400 2 times to use with the LRS+. The first time was because I had it in the house when the LRS+ arrived. It was rather good and had more than enough power. I have a PeachTree GAN1 that was modded by and it does not have enough power to drive the LRS+ (200 watts).

My issue with the GAN400 was a bit of hardness on top. I sold it for that reason. However, I bought it back again since I was not able to figure out what amp to use long term. I spent $1000 on the used GAN400.

The GAN400 seemed to drive the LRS+ within striking distance of the Magtech and the CODA #16. That is with punch and soundstage size. The Sanders and CODA sounded better overall. No hardness, just beautiful sound, especially with the Yggi+ Less Is More DAC. 

For the price the GAN400 is good. I owned the Parasound A21+ before but not when I had the LRS+. I have a feeling that would be even better than the GAN400 but not the Sanders or #16.

I  bought the LRS (not +) a few years ago. I drove it with an old HK Citation 12 and 11 and it sounded very nice. The LRS is a gateway drug and it was for me. I had more room to move the speakers out into the room and I found myself wanting more bass and oomph so I sold them and bought some used .7s which sounded similar to me but better. 

I don't know how the Magnepans will sound with Class D but my one experience with a Class D amp was that it worked with some speakers but not others. 

I ultimately sold the .7s and went to open baffle speakers because I wanted the open sound plus dynamics and I've stayed thereafter with the speakers I bought.