Esoteric F03a vs Pass Labs INT-60 vs VAC Sigma 170i - Discuss

Hi all - anyone every owned or had listening time with Esoteric F03a and Pass Labs INT-60? I think its an interesting comparison given the 30 watts of class A power in both. On top of that lets throw in a tube integrated with some power such as a VAC Sigma 170i. Would be driving 93+ sensitivity speakers. Thoughts on which is best? Most musical? etc.


We have experience with the Esoteric and Vac products


the vac is definitely the most musical, nothing beats a tube amplifier for tone and soundstage

the esoteric provides stunning detail yet s not bright build quality is amazing

the pass stuff runs too hot and is a bit rolled off in the top end for us


hope this helps

Dave and troy

Audio intellect NJ



Which one did you end up choosing and how are you enjoying it? I am also torn between the Pass Labs Int 60 and the Esoteric F-03A as I can get them both for the same price. Thanks

 I’ve never heard the esoteric but I have owned the pass 60 and it is tube like I its presentation. Midrange vocals to die for. I have moved up to the pass 250 which is a more neutral sounding. The 60 is warm sounding, and some like its presentation better than the 250. The 60 does run warm,  it’s nice in winter and a none issue if you got the ac on.