Puritan 136 vs 156 for simple system

I am looking at these two options for a fairly simple two channel system. My set up is:

Musical Fidelity A1

Gustard R26 DAC

Eversolo A6 Streamer

What I am wondering here is would it really be worth it to upgrade to the 156 over the 136?


@temmple - I actually have both. I started with the 136 and ended up buying the 156 too. Firstly, the Puritan product up-leveled my musical enjoyment in both of my systems. They are both solid products. 

For your system, listed above, I think a 136 would be great. The 136 gets you 90% there. The upgrade to the 156 is there, but subtle, and I think most folks would be absolutely happy with its sonic impact, while saving some money too. 

And later down the road I can upgrade to the Ultimate mains cable from them. 

My opinion - instead of dumping cash into power conditioner, upgrade your dac. Install a dedicated line if possible and add better power cords. In this order.
A power conditioner isn’t going to magically transform this system.

I had PSM156 and much prefer my components connected direct to wall outlets.