

Responses from bluethinker

For Weiss 204 DAC owners - ModWright has an LPS
@cbrez - I’m thinking of swapping out some audio components in my office system. I’ve not been happy with the reliability of a combined DAC/Streamer device. Based on what I’ve read the Weiss 204 is well regarded. My impression is it can be a litt... 
Innuous Zenith MK3
@donquichotte - I’m using a Cardas Clear power cable on the Innuos MKiii. I also have a cardas clear beyond xl cable which I know wasn’t designed for sources, but I believe things sounded best when I used it on the DAC.   
Buchardt e50 reviews
I have a pair of Buchardt s400 mkii speakers in a second system. I’m very happy with them. At some point I think I need to drag them upstairs and give them a go in my main system. While I don’t see myself purchasing the new e50 models I’m a big fa... 
Innuous Zenith MK3
@mintakax - You are welcome. I find it incredibly useful to learn from the experiences of folks on this forum. When I’ve had a positive experience with a company or product, I like to share it with the group. Innuos is a well run company with stel... 
Innuous Zenith MK3
@mintakax - I’ve also been very happy with mine. In the context of my system, I think it sounds great. And the Sense software has been incredibly reliable compared to another streamer from a different company that I have in my office.    My next... 
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ?
@ryder - Congratulations! Very exciting!  I’m listening to my Gryphon 120 as I write this… I hope you like your new amp. As I wrote before, it’s a more muscular sounding amp compared to the Luxman 590axii. I would imagine the Gryphon 300 will rea... 
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ?
@ryder - I completely understand. Which speakers are you planning on using with the new amp (purchased used, as you mentioned)?    ive been intrigued by the AudioNet equipment. The AudioNet Watt has intrigued me. Any particular reason you’d pass... 
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ?
@ryder - My pleasure. It’s a rare occasion when I can attest to qualities of multiple amps in one thread. Regarding the differences between Luxman and Gryphon models under discussion, the treble on the Luxman 590axii seems to fall in line with the... 
Benchmark LA4 vs Linear Audio Tube microZOTL Preamplifier (Level 2)
@thriftyaudio - Same! I have other amps and a DAC I’m very happy with. But I’d consider an LTA power amp to pair with their preamp at some point in the future. They are just one of those companies you want to support based on quality of product, s... 
Benchmark LA4 vs Linear Audio Tube microZOTL Preamplifier (Level 2)
@thriftyaudio - It is fantastic you are enjoying the LTA preamp so much. I also love mine. The company is always such a pleasure to communicate with. It’s obvious they love music and that passion comes through in their products.   
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ?
@ryder - It so happens I actually also own the Luxman 590axii. I currently run it occasionally in my office system, but it’s no longer in rotation in my main living room system. It’s also a beautiful sounding amp, but I feel it also requires the i... 
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ?
@inna - I bought a demo Gryphon 120 from Sounds By Singer as they were closing down. I've found it pairs perfectly with the Dynaudio Heritage Speakers I also own.  I also run a tube based system in my main room that I switch back-and-forth every ... 
Why are DAC's so much more expensive than transports?
@jasonbourne71 - I don’t have your experience in audio and hi-fi equipment. I only really started purchasing and listening to nicer equipment the last 4 years or so. But in just that short time, I’ve experienced different dacs and their unique att... 
Antipodes K22 vs Innuos Pulsar
@robal - I have not had the opportunity to hear Aurender. I do own the Innuos Zenith MKiii and have been very impressed with the product. Sound quality is fantastic, the user interface is intuitive, their support is top notch, and Innuos is always... 
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option?
@audiojan - Over the last five years I’ve tried to listen to as many amps as possible. One amp that stands out in my mind is the Audio Research I-50. I originally ordered one when we were first coming out of COVID. Unfortunately, supply chains wer...