Puritan 136 vs 156 for simple system

I am looking at these two options for a fairly simple two channel system. My set up is:

Musical Fidelity A1

Gustard R26 DAC

Eversolo A6 Streamer

What I am wondering here is would it really be worth it to upgrade to the 156 over the 136?


Thinking maybe I should just get a solid power distribution block for a lot less money. Wisdom Cable Technology seems to make a really nice one.

I have to disagree with @audphile1 about upgrading your DAC unless you are prepared to spend $4500 on a used Holo May KTE it is unlikely you will actually hear any significant improvement over the R26 with a lesser DAC.  If you want to upgrade the digital side buying an LHY OCK-2 external clock is absolutely going to improve the R26 just make sure you use at least an LMR400UF BNC cable with it.  But in general the R26 is an excellent DAC for its price and the A6 isn't bad either and yes I have owned both.  But I do agree with him that it is unlikely you will get any significant benefit with a power conditioner given the level of the rest of your system.  Do you live in an urban apartment where you have reason to believe the power is dirty?

I don't think you said what your speakers were?  Better speakers are usually the most bang for the buck in any system.  Then room treatments, then the amplifier.  

@pinwa there are DACs under $3500 that would provide an upgrade over R26. Chord Hugo TT2, Bricasti M3, PS Audio DirectStream, possibly the new and highly praised LAiV Harmony…just to name a few. 

With all due respect…upgrading network components in that system and adding a high end network switch is like installing an ejection seat on a helicopter. 

Here’s a power strip recommendation for OP…



The ejection seat in the helicopter comment had me rolling!

I am currently using CSS 1TDX for speakers. I am leaning towards a higher end, power distribution block. This one to be exact.

I am also upgrading the network while I’m doing this because I do not have a switch currently and will be installing a decent midgrade one with LPS. 


@audphile1 Have you listened to any of the DACs you mentioned and compared them directly to the R26?  I have compared the R26 directly to the Eversolo A6, A8, ANK 4.1x LE, PS Audio Directstream MK2, Berkeley Audio Alpha Reference 2 MQA, and Holo May KTE.  And before the R26 I had the Denafrips Ares II, Pontus II, Gustard X26.  I am telling you two things.  One is that differences in DACs are small and listening for them can drive you crazy.  Most people don't have the ability to closely level match and compare using identical cables etc. etc.. so opinions are highly suspect.  Two is that the R26 is an excellent DAC.  I prefer the Berkeley Ref 2, Eversolo A8 and Holo May KTE to the R26 but I prefer the R26 to all the other DACs I mentioned. Even so, that preference is not dramatic since all modern DACs are basically pretty competent.  Some of the DACs you mentioned may be slightly better than the R26 but DACs are the last place the OP should be spending his money.

@temmple you are listening on $775 kit speakers and you are wondering whether you should be upgrading your power supply?  I think you don't understand what is really going to make the biggest difference in your system.  I don't know much about standmount/bookshelf speakers but the first thing I would do with your system is replace your speakers.