Should I upgrade my preamp?

There are no decent Audio stores close to my home anymore. I used to travel 50 miles to Paragon Sound in Toledo, Ohio. I could select a piece of equipment new (floor model) or used and bring it home to plug into my system and try it before I’d buy.  So, my question the group is, I’m thinking of up grading my preamp. I have always felt the preamp was the heart and soul of a system and the greatest change would come from changing the preamp. I’ve been watching used ARC preamps on eBay.  Would an ARC LS28 be to much of a stretch for my current system?  In the past I’ve enjoyed swapping out the single 6922 tube in the preamp and the change was always noticeable.  Currently I’m running a Dutch Amperex 7308 and my favorite so far. From top to bottom a very musical tube. What are your thoughts? 


Current system:

Denon DSD 1500 CD player

Audio Research LS2B MkII

Audio Research  PH3SE

Aragon 8008BB


Vpi Aries gen1 turntable

Vpi Line Conditioner

Graham 2.2 tonearm

Benz Micro Ruby ZH


Thiel 3.6 speakers


Wrong! The biggest upgrade would be to get better speakers/phono cartridges. These are transducers. They convert one form of energy to another form. Audio electronics have been a solved problem for decades. 

Drive a bit further into Michigan ( i’m a Buckeye…so i know how that might hurt )… Seek out Paragon or even visit Indy. Not sure what is left standing in Columbus. Your current ARC preamp is very romantic sounding vs the unit you mention… obviously you have a lovely sounding system… the cartridge in particular… first order speakers from Jim T. Fun. i advise at least an LS-17 with a vpi magic brick on the transformer.

Have fun

I would 1st want to know from your words, specifically, what sq are you missing from your system ?, and / or what sq are you trying to add to your system ?, and / or, you just got the upgrade bug ? There are many things we can do to enhance our systems. Room acoustics, speaker listener positions, cables, isolators, etc. Have you optimized any of this, or are you restricted in any way to optimize any of this ( not having a dedicated room, as an example ) ? The Denon piece, btw, is either the DCD1500, or the DVD 1500. My best, and of course as tomic says, have fun. MrD.