It is a pleasure to learn that certain individuals make it their concern to Censor my Posts and not read them. The fact effort is made to achieve this, strongly suggests there is some underlying emotional triggered issues not able to be resolved.
It is also Hilarious to learn of a certain individual, who has added as a very recent content to their Posts, the referencing ‘Amygdala’ and a Value for a RIAA. Is not having read Posts from the individual having brought these Subjects to the forefront of a discussion, suggesting Telepathy is now able to be exercised.
The idea of having Telepathy as an extension of the usual senses, is a little bit Fantastical. I would use Fantastical, another might say Delusional.
There are many times on the Gon, that my finger tips radiate a smile on each Keyboard contact. There are Posts made / to be made that are to make the involvement a highly amusing place to be, when interacting on the Gon', especially the Analog Section.
Such effort in place for the avoidance / pretending to avoid 🤣 my Posts, do seem to be limited to the forum member, that are as a Keyboard Cruncher, making themselves known in a very small area of activity.
It does seem as a forum member, this type of individual has found a place where being Obsessed with their neediness to be seen as an Authority and being Significant has a place that a tolerance is shown for it.
I also express a Tolerance to it, otherwise, I might express a different reaction to the ugliness of Posts that can delivered with such sprite or venom.
Let the Jury decide on how ugly and venomous a Post can be.
For those that are looking in and not too involved with their contributing. There are certain individuals within a Forum, that are present with a predatory pursuit , they are regularly, maybe even always, contributing to steer.
Again let the Jury decide on the agenda of the individual.
Within certain Threads on Audiogon, certain types of agenda where self interest is the fundamental, is attached like a Humongous Carbunckle. It becomes the Cornerstone of the Subject under discussion. Possibly my suspecting such Self Interest is once more prevailing , is the basis of this Post. Is not there recent announcement's of new electronics merchandise coming to fruition ??, especially centred around, previous Phon' Models being superseded with new models.
I don't doubt anybody's capabilities who make claim, to be able to produce electronic devices, maybe some above average, to be used for Audio Purposes. As I am not familiar with much work undertaken, it would be silly to suggest a Audio Product does not satisfy, as a result of not having received a Demo’ and in front of listening experience.
I also don't believe that the Math is King as some do, there is plenty known to strongly suggest the Math is one Variable in the overall.
The Math for the Electronics only becomes Sound as it leaves a Speakers Cross Over and Drives a Speaker to move Air.
Sound is the transfer of an energy to make air move.
Sound is the end goal, and assessing sound is a great way to decide where one is content with the experience being had.
All that comes before sound is management of electricity through a range of devices.
When voicing of a device is undertaken, the Math can be tweaked endlessly to create a perception the end sound is a betterment.
When voicing a device that is already proven adequately in the Math Department, the end sound is the area of interest, the Math concern becomes a lesser interest.
End Sound is what matters, End Sound is the area that almost all with an interest in Audio Equipment express as an Interest.
All Electronic Devices assembled to produce a Audio System will produce sound, as the end result and that in general is plenty enough for most.
A smaller selection of users of Audio Systems seek out a refinement of the end sound being produced. Usually making decisions on very very personal preference's for their attraction to a particular sound.
I make references to my own preferences in Threads and on occasion, others who contribute are seen to express their own too.
Also what is interesting is that those who put substantial attention on to the one variable being the Math, are not too forward with their perceptions of sound. It does seem there is a selection of individuals who are seemingly convinced that the Math supersedes the requirement to be influenced by the end sound.
This selection of individuals who are seemingly convinced that the Math supersedes the requirement to be influenced by the end sound, may have something, but I am where I am in my own Journey, and as I don’t do the Math, it is an area I leave to other’s better than myself at such practices. As in all academic activity, there are expanses of knowledge and learning capability that differentiates individuals. One would be considered conceited if there self assessment of their capability was unusually elevated.
For myself to date, I remain totally trusting of individuals I have selected for their adeptness and skillset in such an area where Math is required.
As an individual who has experienced the end sound from a reasonable amount of Systems, which has incurred a broad range of Costs to create. As well as having heard selected devices added to a few systems that have been quite impressionable.
I have confidence and little concerns about my assessment of an end sound being produced. As an assessment offered from myself, is solely based on my unique preference for what an end sound can offer, along with a description of the impression having been made.
In relation to all Demo's had of the Paradise, it has been on a £200Kish System.
The Demo's were carried out in comparison to a range of Phon's present on the days I was in attendance of which the upper price range exceeds £10K.
I have never heard this as a sole listener, and always heard it as an attendee to a group get together.
The following is something the individuals with a Self Interest might not want the broader forum membership to be introduced to:
I have heard this Phon' debated by Directors of Audio Production Companies, Individuals who have commission designed Phon's for Audio Businesses, Proprietors of Audio Retail Business, where Phon's are handled up to multi £0000's and I can also add, a UK Known Audio Journalist with over 30 Years as a Journalist/Editor.
Across the entirety of the attendees and cross talk, it would seem most will be somewhere in an agreement, that for the cost to produce this Phon', and the level of performance that can be eked from it between Basic Build and Bespoke Build, to have this as an item of interest would be very wise and prudent with ones finances.
As an assessment made with confidence, based on experiences had, an individual might just find their end game Phon', that presents in a way they are totally satisfied with for very very sensible monies. It costs $00.00 and no pressure applied from the self interested types, to take the time to see how a Paradise Phon' can be produced for themselves.
For myself, I have my interest on another SS Phon' produced not too long ago and one that is continuously gaining a following across the Globe.
A Statement follows, that was made earlier in this Thread reflects my own activities around Audio and one that I am total agreement with.
"Unfortunately I no longer have that decent sized group of audio friends nearby. That was important since in San Diego I had opportunities to hear many different audio systems in a variety of home settings. Just like live unamplified music, and the almost embarrassing number of components I've gone through, hearing a multitude of different systems is an education for our ears. "
I tip my hat to the foot work done.
Locked away solely in a room, and believing one has all the credentials to be a Armchair Audio Critic - Blah Blah Blah.
To those using Telepathy - Happy Fantastical Reading 🤣🤣🤣