The best no-compromise digital options?

If we take a look at the three digital playback formats most common today (CD, SACD and DVD-A/V), what would you consider the 3 top of the line options for each format.

My thoughts would be:

Zanden Model 2000P/5000S
Burmester 069
Soulution Audio 740

dCS Scarlatti
Esoteric P-01VU/G-0Rb/D-01VU
The upcoming Wadia 971/932/922

Goldmund Eidos Reference
MBL 1622A/1611F
The owner of the APL(Alex Peychev)is a crook who's been MIA with money from customer's. Avoid.
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I completely agree with Tvad.

System "synergy" is the key to a good system. I have listened to some of the players you listed, and I would choose a good Linn, Naim or 47 Labs player over them.

The Zanden is very nice, if you have the system to let it's "character" shine.

The dCS and Esoteric are very detailed. Some (like me) would say "analytical".

I would recommend you look at a computer based system as well. A Apple Mac with a nice DAC (like the Wavelength) will give most "upscale" players a run for the money. Make sure to get a SSD drive. They make a difference.

Look what I did! I used words to describe sound. Help! ;)
I am in complete agreement with Tvad and Timbrepitch. I own the Zanden and the dCS but find that I almost exclusively listen to my computer based system (Toshiba, Spoiler, Pacecar), simply because that comes still closer than the Zanden Combo (the dCS Stack is indeed "analytical") to what I perceive as the "real thing".