Should have called the cable company. Try before you buy!
There are also a number of other cable manufacturers and purveyors that allow a listening period and return policy, if you are dissatisfied/unimpressed.
ie: Synergistic Research has offered a liberal audition period since the early Eighties. Matter of fact: they offered to send their entire line of interconnects, for one to audition/experiment with, before they made their choice and purchase decision.
And (again):
Anyone that feels compelled to harp on not hearing any differences, is obviously too obtuse to understand the term "variables" (as frequently mentioned) and worthy of disregard.
My only goal in these threads has ever been to encourage those with a mind to experiment with their systems, based on the latest (20th/21st Century's) findings of ACTUAL Physics/science and ignore the Cargo Cult's incessant runway building (objections, convolutions, deflections and obfuscations).
Happy listening!