The Center, Measured

As some may remember last year I embarked on a new active center channel project. Partly inspired if not suggested by Troel’s Gravesen’s huge and expensive Illuminator Center. I’m pleased with the final results, but since the topic of off-axis response has come up I wanted to share with you what I thought was excellent off-axis performance and the troubles of getting that in a 2-way or center channel speaker.

It’s also important to note that if I had to do this as a passive speaker I would have probably compromised somewhat in the performance in large part because I would not have used 4th order filters, or been able to add some subtle EQ.

Yes, of course it’s easy to criticize the frequency response, but I hope you’ll ignore the foibles and focus not on the on-axis response but on what it takes to get excellent off-axis response as well.

As a speaker builder this is what I shoot for and when I see very expensive multi-way speakers that can’t get there I do have to scratch my head.

I post this in the spirit of discussing pros and cons of design choices. I hope you please keep that in mind. :)



Imo that is SUPERB off-axis performance for a center channel speaker.  Bravo!

@audiokinesis  Why thank you kindly good sir.  Honestly it's better than I expected.  That tweeter's natural off-axis performance is pretty outstanding.

Not that I’ve looked at every set of off-axis measurements done on a center-channel speaker, but I’ve seldom seen off-axis response that good on a conventional speaker, let alone a center-channel speaker!

(For anyone wondering what I’m talking about, the horizontal format of a center-channel speaker typically results in poor horizontal off-axis performance... when the listeners/viewers who are MOST IN NEED of good output from the center channel are those sitting well off to either side of the centerline.)