Full loom of the same cable brand vs mixing and matching.

Some say, for synergy sake, you should use the same brand of cabling throughout your entire audio system (a full loom).  However, as an audiophile for over 25 years, I've never adhered to that philosophy.  As a matter of fact, I currently use three different brands of cables in my audio system with excellent results.  Do you stay faithful to one brand of cables in your audio system, or do you mix and match, as I do, and why?  


@ghdprentice +1

I will add a qualifier to any philosophy that a full loom/array is a preferred pathway in this alchemy of cables choice ….it depends entirely on the resolution capabilities of your system components , AND the performance capabilities / resolution of the cable model itself.

For example, from personal experience:

(1) comparison of LEIF strata models in NORDOST vs REFERENCE strata models by NORDOST

Expecting a Jesus moment uplift with a full loom in the comparative budget former model was a loser exercise, whereas an audio performance improvement with a full array option in the latter loom array was clear, unambiguous, and not insignificant.

(2) A mix and match hybrid using a mix of lower end CARDAS and third party OEM options, versus a CARDAS CLEAR full array.

The full CARDAS CLEAR loom option was the distinct and graphic performance winner….full stop, in my $50K “A” 2-channel system. It also was my preferred performance option in MY system (emphasis added) over the NORDOST full array ioption $1 immediately above,


(3) Room acoustics matter and MAY influence your choice 

Force example: I was already a full loom card-carrying CARDAS convert when I asked Josh Meredith at CARDAS about the choice between CARDAS CLEAR  vs CARDAS CLEAR  REFLECTION ( lower model)  speaker cable choices to tame the brightness in a large glass wall room. Josh explained that he had the same issue in his house. The CARDAS engineers recommend CLEAR  RELECTION as a “warmer” option based on their like glass-wall room experience. 
imfollowed their suggestion….eureka …. Thetbweeccirrect! Who knew!

TAKEAWAY: Choose wisely.


I use a full loom of the same cable in my system, I use the NeoTech Sahara which is the rectangular OCC single crystal copper not cheap but even better than the round OCC.


if you want even better OCC single crystal try the Neotech Sahara or Amazon that's their rectangular OCC wire it blew away my round OCC from harmonic technology It's not cheap though.

I use a mix.   I have many components (e.g., 3 Nak cassette decks--that's 6 pairs of cables right there) bought over several decades, and I chose cables for each that sounded best among several I tried.  I leaned toward Cardas, but didn't think it was worth upgrading to Cardas for every component (e.g., FM tuner), so I have retained several other brands.  Most recently, I replaced my long preamp > power amp cables and speaker cables with Morrow Audio cables, and that improved transparency, but I have no urge to do a full loom.  I'm happy with the system as it is.

There's always been more than one way to skin a cat to achieve the best possible sound quality in any given audio rig.  And, cabling is no exception.  It's all good, whether you go with a full loom of the same cable brand or not.  It all depends on the individual whim of the individual audiophile.  Just that simple.  One size fits all has never applied in high end audio.  Over 15 years ago, I purchased a very expensive loom of cables from the same brand.  Currently, the only cables left in my system from 15 years ago are the speaker cables, which I'll never let go.  Now, I run three different brands of cabling in my audio rig, which I strongly believe will carry me though for at least another 15 years of service.  Happy listening.