@ghdprentice +1
I will add a qualifier to any philosophy that a full loom/array is a preferred pathway in this alchemy of cables choice ….it depends entirely on the resolution capabilities of your system components , AND the performance capabilities / resolution of the cable model itself.
For example, from personal experience:
(1) comparison of LEIF strata models in NORDOST vs REFERENCE strata models by NORDOST
Expecting a Jesus moment uplift with a full loom in the comparative budget former model was a loser exercise, whereas an audio performance improvement with a full array option in the latter loom array was clear, unambiguous, and not insignificant.
(2) A mix and match hybrid using a mix of lower end CARDAS and third party OEM options, versus a CARDAS CLEAR full array.
The full CARDAS CLEAR loom option was the distinct and graphic performance winner….full stop, in my $50K “A” 2-channel system. It also was my preferred performance option in MY system (emphasis added) over the NORDOST full array ioption $1 immediately above,
(3) Room acoustics matter and MAY influence your choice
Force example: I was already a full loom card-carrying CARDAS convert when I asked Josh Meredith at CARDAS about the choice between CARDAS CLEAR vs CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION ( lower model) speaker cable choices to tame the brightness in a large glass wall room. Josh explained that he had the same issue in his house. The CARDAS engineers recommend CLEAR RELECTION as a “warmer” option based on their like glass-wall room experience.
imfollowed their suggestion….eureka …. Thetbweeccirrect! Who knew!
TAKEAWAY: Choose wisely.