Solar flares are here, everyone unplug your dryer!

Turns out we have exceptionally high solar activity right now, with a category 4 solar flair expected to impact the planet, potentially affecting satellite communications, electronics and power grids.

Of course, if history is any guide the news is absolutely over excited over this, at best those in the northern states may see pretty lights at night.  I was particularly amused this afternoon at a CNN weather person recommending you unplug your dryer just to be safe.  I mean, is that really the most important appliance in his house?  🤣

Also, kind of off topic, if you have binoculars or a telescope with the right solar filters you can catch a glimpse of the dark spots on the sun associated with this CME.  Amazing to imagine that it is about 15-16x wider than the earth. 


@grislybutter Good stand my friend. I think siding with war criminal rapists of any ilk is reprehensible. i’d rather freeze to death than remain silent.

Hopefully some music will come out of the more Southern electric skies of this flare… i wish for beauty in a broken world

@grislybutter Good stand my friend. I think siding with war criminal rapists of any ilk is reprehensible. i’d rather freeze to death than remain silent.


Where did i side with anyone because i denounce the money invested in wars instead of infrastructure ?

Ukraine or Gaza are useless wars created for profits if you dont see this you dont see anything ... All wars are for profit. Read General Smedly Butler he know better than you what wars is about ..

it seems you never forget that i spoke with Millercarbon...( unlike you i hate no one here ) You even wrote to me personaly advising me to not do such atrocious thing as speaking to him😊 It seems you never forgot anything ...

I never spoke of you in an hateful or hypocrital way as you just did here ...

Why do you came here attacking me by the side uninvited with no content about CME accusing me to side with rapists in an hypocrital way ?

Face someone and speak to him directly to him if you accuse someone ...


if you really "wish beauty in a broken world", dont justify wars, dont invest in wars, invest in inevitable CME infrastructure protection...And dont accuse someone because you hate him with no good reason to side with rapists...You are pathetic...


I did not know that there was so much silent hate here instead of working brain ... Hyenas hunt in gang ...



For sure!

i am very appreciative too...

Not one of you can align ONLY ONE RATIONAL REASON for your hate...

Save the lenght of my posts but not one gave me a logical reason to debate...

this dont ring a bell ?

Only the joy to hate in groups solidarity it seems ...



it is very comical because i am one who contribute positively with this CME thread matter...

not one of you did with a real content or with an argument about the URGENCY to protect the US infrastructures which are not at all prepared...

have you read the articles i put about this thread ? no ...

hate is joy ...But only if we are not alone to hate the same target ...




Sorry to be off the current topic but the US northwest was gifted with a bucket list event. The light show surpassed my biggest expectations. Half the sky was lit up with greens and reds. There were streaks of color and it was awe expiring. The wife and I were discussing when we go to Europe to go thru Iceland just in hopes of actually seeing the northern lights. It would still be fun but if we missed them I could say it’s alright I’ve at least seen it once.

On top of that my stereo was OK.

Cheers you guys .