Need a modern Class A monoblock, preferably half or compact chassis

Anyone here know anyone that might know if something like this may be available before year end. I am currently ampless, beginning to suffer withdrawls…wishing for Pass Labs to release an XA30.8 like powered amp, split into 2/3 scale monoblocks with xs or xa or ?? designator with Balanced Input.

XA60.8 is the logical choice if nothing shows up this year, but until I pull the trigger, alien monoblocks could distract me, for instance Valvet A4.5, from getting what I truly desire.  

The current XA30.8 is the dream split into a modern Pass Labs monoblock.

FW is too focused and limiting to consider.

Anyone know of this possibility on the horizion for an XA30.88


I have not heard the Atmasphere and AGD GAN amps but have owned 3 other GAN amps that I liked a lot. Only issue for me was the limited power on the 2 amps I owned. My speakers are not easy to drive. The third amp, the PeachTree GAN400, had enough power but it was a good amp for the price, not great (used $1000). The other GAN amps I had were modded and were very good.

However, the Class A amps I have had were better in power and sometimes sonics. The ugly looking KRELL DUO XD lineup, the latest CODA amps, and even my Schitt Aegir. The KRELL is very similar to the Westminster that was mentioned earlier. Other than the Aegir the Class A amps I have owned were not that hot to the touch.

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I have four amps:

Class A Pass XA25

Class A/B Akitika amp kit build

Class D DIY Hypex based amp (a loaner)

Tube monoblocks Quicksilver mono 60's.

It is a LOT of fun switching between amps. It's not ambivalence, it's variety. Add in changes to preamps (tube and SS) and there are a lot of combinations to try.

h45 I like your thinking, though I am not that guy, I appreciate the effort!

rate and describe your experience

h45 I like your thinking, though I am not that guy, I appreciate the effort!

rate and describe your experience

As most here know, the "synergy" of a system is important. Ok, well what does "synergy" come to, in practical, experience-able terms? That requires some "taste-testing."

The more sonic combinations I sample, the more refined my discrimination gets. Having different amps and preamps allows me to produce different combinations which sound bad or good — and which I cannot discover with only one preamp-amp-speaker pairing. Sonic description is somewhat tricky, so let me go to food.

There’s a delicious combination one finds in cobbler — buttery, sweet, crunchy. That flavor experience is unique and not something one finds in, say, creme brûlée — which is smooth, creamy, milky. Both of these also differ from, say, fruit cocktail — citric, fibrous, watery, crunchy.

The point of these food analogies is that the ingredients' "synergy" in each 'good' experience is different. Unless one tries very different synergies, one cannot know the variety of good experiences out there. Same with preamp-amp-speakers.

The other main service that multiple combinations provide is to point out the limitations of my speakers. If I am seeking a certain kind of sound and I’m not getting it with any combination, then it’s the speaker’s fault. (I’ve tried to dial in my room and subs as much as possible.)