An ANSWER....of sorts......

...or the answer to the question (finally....) :

Is it 'realllly the speakers?'

...or the 'Stuff' needed to "mak'em work Proper."

( emphasis = yours)

If so, ipso facto, something to consider ;)

Your placement WILL vary....


Actually, 5 of 3 ain't all that bad....

Always seem to immersed in reflections .. 
refers to 'sound from within'; my expectations, however misplaced,  likely unfilled...

refractions, and watching the waves...  Life in a 'real world' space, the side walls and back wall are everything but 'predictable' or simple....

Consider a complicated maze....'hollow out' the middle...

That's my listening space.

You'd toss hands, and take up knitting.....

The balance of the post is what I've within that, and why I choose to 'ignore the room' per Linkwitz.

I have to.

I don't believe I've Ever been fortunate to 'set-up' in a space that any rational 'phile would accept as 'having potential'...


If I can't 'be within a nominal space', I don't get the option to be 'normal'.

It shows up in my regards and responses to what to some may seem 'typ'....but ain't at all....

Hope that illuminates, @shtinkydog  ....but I doubt it.

*Huge sigh*  I guess the only rsvp in reach is to post pics, and create a 'cringe condition' that likely will trigger "Move Immediately!" responses that just aren't practical in every sense of that...

'Good' is a state of mind....I'm compelled to be somewhat out of mine...;)

@asvjerry i don't know if "enlightened" is the right word.  i'm always intrigued by your postings, though some of them go right over my head or i simply don't understand them.  you do say a lot of funny sh*t, and that's why i like your posts: i never pass one up that i come across.  having said that, i'm not here to decipher or translate riddles, much like being in the "complicated maze" you mention above.  i learn from you guys, i laugh with you guys. that is why i'm here.  cheers. 

@shtinkydog ....*Smile*  Well....Thanks for finding my ruthless riffs on the common tongue of intrigue the risk of sending all that enter in hopeful abandon in search of a 'Block @ All Costs' button... ;)

The 'Gon is an in&outlet for The Audio Pursuit....of which I've an odd turnout off the Technical Trivia backroads....  Some here have built speakers: In other, the cabinets....
I've no qualms over buying 4 matching 'raw' speakers....

....and cutting the cones and surrounds from them....( Voice coils treated with Respect....They've been Selected for their New Life in the Great Anon....AhMein....

Yes, my unconsciousness 'works' kinda like that.....the Active Consciousness simply tries to keep it on pointe'....

Some hit the parking brake....a few hitchhike and try to cope with a previous driver raised on LA not-so-freeways.....

If this isn't worth a few *Grins* for most....

I can go away a lot easier than I in:

Getting Senior'd is Annoying....😣😬🙄😏😎

I need an AI or maybe one of those Star Trek "Universal Translators" to understand the dialects used in this thread...