Magnapan LRS+ VS .7

Hello All,

Thinking about trying Magnapan for the first time. Looking at mainly the .7s. My room is about 9’ x 12’ and the speaker placement is limited. (It’s my living room with TV and such) Listening location is quite close at about 7 feet if the speakers are out from the back wall 20 inches. Speakers will be placed about 7.5 feet apart. Not much to work with but I have no choice. Actually the whole cottage is only 20’ x 20’. VERY simple easy life, retired. 😎

Anyone have the luxury of being able to compare the LRS+ and .7s? My amp is REGA Aethos. Mostly CD listening for now. Jazz, instrumental guitar/piano, Some R&B, light rock. But, NIRVANA is within arms reach when in the mood.

Can’t really go to a dealer. None anywhere close within four hundred miles. IF they even have them in stock.

Now using SVS Ultra Towers with subwoofer.

Lawrence From MI



I  bought the LRS (not +) a few years ago. I drove it with an old HK Citation 12 and 11 and it sounded very nice. The LRS is a gateway drug and it was for me. I had more room to move the speakers out into the room and I found myself wanting more bass and oomph so I sold them and bought some used .7s which sounded similar to me but better. 

I don't know how the Magnepans will sound with Class D but my one experience with a Class D amp was that it worked with some speakers but not others. 

I ultimately sold the .7s and went to open baffle speakers because I wanted the open sound plus dynamics and I've stayed thereafter with the speakers I bought.

I'm setting up a Parasound JC 2 preamp and JC 1 monoblocks I haven't used in years to try with KEF Reference 1s.  This thread encourages me to drag a pair of LRS out of the garage to try with the JC 1s (400 watts@8Ω, 800@4Ω).  The LRS are light enough to set aside when not in use use.  I use low bias, so the JC 1s run as Class A to 10 watts rather than the 25 watts with high bias..   

I am currently driving my LRS with a Peachtree Gan 400, drives them no problem and I am quite satisfied with the sound. As someone else mentioned, the LRS are indeed a gateway drug. Thinking of upgrading to the new 2.7i.  I believe Peachtree has discontinued all the separate amp and preamp models and only offer the integrated amps and the Gan 1. The thing is they only put out about half the power of the separate amps.