Why all or most audiophiles are men?

I googled to find an answer but no avail. Something very interesting. 

@maguiar102 I don't buy anything without my partner listening with me. She gets sick of the chest-beating men, who seem to have something to prove with their systems. She also has BETTER ears than me, hence why her opinion is important as we like to listen together. 

It is nice to see another women in this hobby.

My wife can run rings around people, with logic and that is what is missing in audio, sometimes, is logic. Hence our systems are not expensive, but they sound good to us and we do not feel the need to go on the audio equipment merry go round.

We (my wife and I) are not the type of customers that audio companies want. They want people to hunt the latest and greatest.

You'll go far in today's world if you can come up with an explanation for this that implies women are superior to men.

I think that audio, like cars and sports (for example), have been the domain of boys and men primarily for political/economic/social/cultural reasons. Men are physically stronger and maybe by nature more aggressive so we have kept the good stuff for ourselves. This is changing.  Over the last 50 years we have seen powerful and very capable women in politics, business, sports and other areas of life. This despite the reluctance of many men to share our privileges and toys. Increasingly, however, companies are marketing to women, for example cars and sports. At some point, some smart audio companies will realize they are ignoring a huge market and try to create female audiophiles.  This will benefit all of us. 

Women generally hate the look of audio gear in the home and don't see the value in hi end audio. Will that change by any appreciable degree in the near future? I doubt it.