It's a Long-shot: Meridian G02 conversion to balanced tape out

Seems like an obscure topic but I cannot get a response from Meridian. They don’t appear to respond to their "contact us" submissions.

I have recently acquired a Meridian G02 balanced preamp. It has two single-ended tape outputs that the documentation says can be converted to balanced. Presumably there is a cable that connects the 2 single ended outputs to an XLR, and then a setting that inverts one of the single ended signals.

Anyone know more than this? How to access settings or where to find such a cable?

Thanks all...

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I just looked at the manual. It seems like you may have to roll your own since this is a very uncommon situation. 

I’d suggest you take an XLR to XLR cable and remove the female end. Use these RCA adapters to make it easy on yourself. You only need to connect ground to one of the two plugs.

If you do it correctly all you'll need is a wire stripper and screwdriver.

Use black electrician's tape for the end of the XLR cable to add some strain relief if you don't have heat shrink tubes available.