It's a Long-shot: Meridian G02 conversion to balanced tape out

Seems like an obscure topic but I cannot get a response from Meridian. They don’t appear to respond to their "contact us" submissions.

I have recently acquired a Meridian G02 balanced preamp. It has two single-ended tape outputs that the documentation says can be converted to balanced. Presumably there is a cable that connects the 2 single ended outputs to an XLR, and then a setting that inverts one of the single ended signals.

Anyone know more than this? How to access settings or where to find such a cable?

Thanks all...

Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666

@jji666 If you use the tape outputs in this manner, you will want to know that they won’t drive the inputs of a studio tape machine such as a Studer or Otari. Inputs like most studio machines use are ’+4dBm’ which is 1.23V into 600 Ohms- the main outputs of most ’high end audio’ balanced preamps have trouble driving them.

There are a couple of high end audio preamps that can drive +4dBm. But to my knowledge none of them can do it from their tape outputs.

Thanks again.  I'm not driving a studio tape machine anyway.  I would just be using the 2 tape outputs, combined into a balanced connection, to feed a balanced XLR distribution amp.  I just want to squeeze that extra 1% audio quality by avoiding a single ended to balanced conversion in an outboard box.  

OP:  The biggest advantage is reduced noise, which is fine, especially if it's a long run.

Yep, I run most of my connections balanced (or at least XLR...not sure if every device follows pure balanced standards).  

It's odd that Meridian references a cable...but hasn't responded as to how to get it or that it's not available anymore.  

But yeah, I may roll my own.  The only question is the configuration since I assume it requires one of the tape outputs to have an inverted signal.