Feels like a big lawn with wandering patients skipping on their meds.
Ha ha! That visual is slaying me, @grislybutter .
Well, as the member who has read too much E.E. Cummings said:
Welcome to a Public Forum.
No Cover~No Minimum/MaximumDon’t like?
Don’t remain.
Let the fun begin and the good times roll!
(Or probably more like:
"*J* . . . (((pauses or plauses 2 defer upon the PUBIC (putrid?) for(e(play)um))) eet eez a pub(L)ic panorama soe lett us all do AND Say AND type az we (if it) PLEASE(s) (you/us) . . . *w* . . . lett the gaymes commens(surate! . . . *v*)