How many monthly kilowatt hours, including hi-fi, do you use?

I’m proud to say my monthly kilowatt usage is approximately 400 kWh and rises to 450 or so in the summer with air conditioning. Each night use about 4 kwh for my audio gear which includes 30 tubes mostly in amplifiers. Yes this is the worst of my sins using a tube amplifier.

Curious if you know how much you use and if so how much is it?

I’m a big proponent of conserving electricity to help out the planet.


1200 kWh including EV charging last month.  For the same month a few years ago without an EV charging, I used 200 kWh.  I don't know how many kWh were attributed by using the audio system, but I don't care. I turn on and listen anyway.

550-650kw during the Winter and 600-900kw during the summer when the AC is running. I have a 2 story home.  Electricity in the Northeast is VERY expensive.  

fyi, I am paying $.20 per kilowatt hour including distribution, or about $85 a month. This is pseg in New Jersey

@emergingsoul blue states are always more pricey. I figured I either need to "run for office" or become homeless, because being working taxpayer in blue states is definitely the worst.

blue states are always more pricey. I figured I either need to "run for office" or become homeless, because being working taxpayer in blue states is definitely the worst.

@czarivey Not to sideline or make this political, but that’s not completely true.  Less populated “blue” states (think Colorado, New Hampshire, etc.) have income tax rates that are comparable to “red” states.  Higher tax rates are generally more highly correlated to population than to political leanings although there are a few exceptions.  Interestingly, four of the five states with the highest sales tax rates are deep red states — for example, Tennessee’s sales tax at 9.55% is 45% higher than New Jersey at 6.6%.  Anyway, not all blue states are more pricey is the point here.