How many monthly kilowatt hours, including hi-fi, do you use?

I’m proud to say my monthly kilowatt usage is approximately 400 kWh and rises to 450 or so in the summer with air conditioning. Each night use about 4 kwh for my audio gear which includes 30 tubes mostly in amplifiers. Yes this is the worst of my sins using a tube amplifier.

Curious if you know how much you use and if so how much is it?

I’m a big proponent of conserving electricity to help out the planet.


I have no idea what percent of my electric bill is because of my equipment, nor do I particularly care. The system is always on. The mono blocks draw 75 watts each, when they are on standby and the preamp is maybe 25. The DAC and streamer are on 24/7 maybe 25 watts each. The CD transport uses about 10 watts, And the power conditioner uses a watt or two. So I’m using say 250 watts when the system is at idle and add 1500-1700 watts if I crank it when I’m rocking out. 


light bill is really expensive here in Texas

i pay 400-500 every month and most of the time my  system is off since I travel a lot for work 

I average 1100 kWh per month but my out-of-pocket cost is less than $100.  I have a large solar panel array and a large geothermal heat pump with coils submerged in a pond.  Grid electricity is provided by a nuclear power station.  Oh, and my Gan1 amp uses next to nothing.  I did all that because it made good economic and audio sense, not to save the planet or signal my virtue.  In fact, I'm conservative and don't believe there is a climate crisis. 

I’m a misor for power usage. This is good if electric blackouts become more frequent.

My Pass XA25 manual says 240W at idle. 30 days would be about $30 if my math is right, I am getting older, and humble, so correct me if I'm wrong.