How many monthly kilowatt hours, including hi-fi, do you use?

I’m proud to say my monthly kilowatt usage is approximately 400 kWh and rises to 450 or so in the summer with air conditioning. Each night use about 4 kwh for my audio gear which includes 30 tubes mostly in amplifiers. Yes this is the worst of my sins using a tube amplifier.

Curious if you know how much you use and if so how much is it?

I’m a big proponent of conserving electricity to help out the planet.


I’m a misor for power usage. This is good if electric blackouts become more frequent.

My Pass XA25 manual says 240W at idle. 30 days would be about $30 if my math is right, I am getting older, and humble, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh brother....never heard of any one keeping track of energy usage for a hifi. The whole green thing is bogus and a political power grab. Another way for big brother to control you. I pay my electric bill, that's all That matters. Oh and I turn off lights in rooms not being used. Hard, I have kids.

The whole green thing is bogus and a political power grab.

Go for a long run in Delhi or Beijing and you may think differently.

Interdasting question. However, if you keep track of such things, then you probably can’t afford the hobby. Homey don’t give a sh*t how much juice it takes. ;)