Listening Room

Hello to all,

I think this is a situation many audiophiles find themselves in: That being your listening room is NOT a dedicated room that your expensive audio system resides in. You do NOT have a chair that is perfectly positioned in between speakers to optimize your listening enjoyment. Why? The room simply cannot accommodate a chair in the center or, most likely, your wife and/or significant other will not allow you to place a chair where it's supposed to be when listening.

Having said that, you listen to music from everywhere in the room. How does one go about speaker placement? How do you increase the sound stage? Are some speaker brands better than others when you do not have a dedicated listening room? Thanks for your input.


In the 70s my dad had a great system; huge Bozak speakers, Marantz, MacIntosh, etd. Living/listening room was well treated w heavy wool wall to wall carpet and heavy drapes. Then my Mom bought a canary. That canary loved listening and singing at the top of his lungs to the music. We tried a variety of things, like putting a cover on the carary's cage to no avail. He had to get used to it.

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Larsen speakers may resolve some of these issues. And compromise, of course. 

I would have thought all the people here with high dollar systems would make it a priority to have a dedicated space as well. 

It's a journey.  The final destination should have a dedicated listening room.  IMHO.