Listening Room

Hello to all,

I think this is a situation many audiophiles find themselves in: That being your listening room is NOT a dedicated room that your expensive audio system resides in. You do NOT have a chair that is perfectly positioned in between speakers to optimize your listening enjoyment. Why? The room simply cannot accommodate a chair in the center or, most likely, your wife and/or significant other will not allow you to place a chair where it's supposed to be when listening.

Having said that, you listen to music from everywhere in the room. How does one go about speaker placement? How do you increase the sound stage? Are some speaker brands better than others when you do not have a dedicated listening room? Thanks for your input.


@elliottbnewcombjr  - "I see some of these pics of guys selling their gear with photos from their listenig chair... some ratty Lay Z-Boy recliner with their gross ass feet in the pic. STOP! If that's all you've got, a $20K system and $50 dollar yard sale chair & frat house furniture, there in lies your problem."

Right on cue... 5200 posts and all

This dude always aimed at character it seems ...

This OP ask a legitimate question...

As i did in my last post in another thread , and as i did with the informative posts i send in the bolong thread just week before his "gracious" character pointed his suspecting nose ignoring the post content every time  and aiming at the person attack instead..

Will you change behaviour or it is your way of being ?

Dont answer...

My post only track your history of character attacks...( asvjerry after me and now the OP)


@jgjg123 , JerryG123, is that really you????

Hello to all,

I think this is a situation many audiophiles find themselves in: That being your listening room is NOT a dedicated room that your expensive audio system resides in. You do NOT have a chair that is perfectly positioned in between speakers to optimize your listening enjoyment. Why? The room simply cannot accommodate a chair in the center or, most likely, your wife and/or significant other will not allow you to place a chair where it’s supposed to be when listening.

Having said that, you listen to music from everywhere in the room. How does one go about speaker placement? How do you increase the sound stage? Are some speaker brands better than others when you do not have a dedicated listening room? Thanks for your input.


My current listening room is also our family room and the way I have it set up, I can push the speakers back three feet and it’s pretty safe to do family stuff in. 

This dude always aimed at character it seems ...

Sorry you found the question I asked the OP (of this thread) to be offensive, Saint @mahgister  ,  I am genuinely curious as to whether the OP is @jerryg123  .  Quite a similar screen name he picked out.  No biggy to me one way or the other--just curious.

Since you brought it up and referenced it, I noticed that on the other thread (meaning the one you just now referenced) a lot of your truly bat-crap crazy posts have been deleted.  What happened?  Did you go back and look at them and decide that they really did make you seem unstable?  Just asking for a friend who wants to know.