Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio



These will be replacing my Iso-Acoustics Titan footers that I am using with my Clarisys Minute speakers.



My Auva 100 are the best isolation devices I have ever heard to include Stillpoints, Isoacoustics, Audiopoints and Symposium Roller Blocks.

You will hear immediately, tighter image focus, better soundstaging/layering, more ambiance retrieval, disappearing speakers and the bass is tight and impactful...

From my reading, the reviewers liked the AUVAs as they mentioned the Townsend were adding something to the sound and would boil down to preference but they are way more expensive.
