I suppose it is a given that no tube amp in my price range can match its SS equivalent on bass
I think that would only be true if your preference is strictly solid state for bass. I had a tube amp that sounded great, but with steroetypical bass disadvantages. My 24 WPC Air Tight has great bass control and plays very loud for my room and even with some previous 89 dB speakers. For me many of the SS I would compare it to would play louder and have some more dynamic headroom that I don't need, but would not sound as natural. I think it comes down to what sound signature you're looking for and musical taste preferences to get the best match with you and your speakers, not necessarily a certain type of amp is "the best" at this or that. You can go down a rabbit hole just in what is the best class D amp or if/ when is it better than A or A/B as far as what's best just for SS bass.