Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers

Greetings Audiogon community,

I am requesting your input about four specific amplifiers in a particular price range and how they may, or may not, pair well with my Dynaudio Confidence 20 stand mount speakers.

My room is 20' x 16' and does have wall absorption treatment. I do not listen at high levels, typically in the 75 to mid 85 db territory. 

I currently own a Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier, which is probably the best integrated amp I have owned to date. However I am wondering if there is a better amp match for my Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers, and so am considering moving to separates. My budget for the amp alone is in the preowned $4K to $5K range.

Here are amps I am asking for your input about ;

-Simaudio Moon 860A V1 (Dynaudio dealers seem to endorse Simaudio)

-Pass Labs X150.8

-PS Audio BHK Signature 250 stereo (PS Audio has dropped the price on new amps in their closeout sale)

-Parasound JC 5

I realize there are many, many, amp manufacturers, and that of course if I reach a bit higher I could consider Ayre, or Aesthetix, or Coda, all of which interest me, but seem to stay outside of my budget. 

I wish I could side-by-side compare or demo all of these amps, but unfortunately it is not possible. I am looking to your experience to help in any way possible.

Thank you!



Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your opinions and experiences! I do not post often, but have tried to learn much for the community here in the relatively short amount of time I've enjoyed this hobby.

@soix-Yes! You said it well-thank you. I guess it's a bit hard for me to put into words what I am hoping to hear. At my local shop, Music for Pleasure, here in St. Louis the Dynaudio Confidence 20s sounds "magical." They were using high priced Simaudio gear that I can not afford. So trying to reclaim as much of that emotional  experience with gear I can afford. Thank you for the recommendations!

@erik_squires-Thank you for the encouragement. Actually many of your posts helped me land eventually on the L-509X. It's been a journey, and I've enjoyed learning along the way. If I can get to a point that I can purchase Ayre I'd love to try it. Everything I've learned about their approach to sound lines up with what seems best from an engineering perspective IMO.

@mickeyb-Thank you for the encouragement to consider Simaudio. I have been concerned maybe Simaudio is a brand that dealers sell because of a large markup rather than it actually being great gear. Their prices just seem high to me compared to other brands. Glad to learn you feel it is a positive match outside of a dealership.

@ghdprentice-Thank you for this input about Pass Labs, this lines up with what other have shared with me.

Interesting no one has commented about he PS Audio BHK stereo 250. On paper this appears to have many positive attributes. I've only owned a couple of PS Audio items so far, a power conditioner and the Stellar Phono Preamp. I did not keep the phono preamp. It was fine, but I'd describe it as neutral, and maybe slightly bland compared to the Hegel V10 or Manley Labs Chinook. Are their amps kind of the same? Fine, but not great? Just wondering...


@jpipes - I wouldn’t say everything Ayre does is correct from an absolute measurement perspective. I’ve read detractors which I believe was centered around a relatively high damping factor or distortion. I’m not sure. I also don’t care... they sound really good. :)

From a purely personal and subjective point of view, Ayre and Pass make different aesthetic choices to the sound. I’m not about to debate it based on measurements, I just happen to like one a lot more than the other. I suspect others will also find themselves naturally preferring one to the other, and I’ve got no issue with that at all.


I doubt if you'll get a sim audio 860A V1 for that price the Simaudio W8 used is selling for $5,000 US.

Nad c298 power amp. Or, buy two Nad c268's and bridge them for 300 watts per channel. Mine sound great!

I had the BHK 300s and moved to a top end Luxman amp.  They are very different from each other.  BHKs are more of a bottom up amp, with plenty of foundational bass where the Luxman is more top down, with an exceptional mid and high range.  Only you can decide which of thee (if either) works best with your speakers, equipment and room.  Good luck.