@hickamore Thanks for the interest, and the 4 ohm rating is the same as the 8 ohm ratings, as you don't gain power by dropping the load in a tube amp as you do with a solid state amp (well you do, but distortion rises, and power increases marginally). This is why we have multiple speaker output taps, so the impedance that the power tubes see stays the same, and matches the speakers connected to it. The power ratings are:
- EL34- triode-mode= 20 watts/U.L. mode=35 watts
- KT88- triode-mode= 25 watts/U.L. mode=45 watts
-KT120- triode-mode= 40 watts/U.L. mode=55 watts
-KT150- triode-mode= 45 watts/U.L. mode=65 watts
The 6SN7 is an extremely linear audio tube, and has a decently low output impedance so it makes an excellent input (which is similar to your preamp), and driver tube- to provide the correct volt out and impedance to drive the power tubes linearly and without slewing or roll-off on the frequency extremes. Many amplifiers use 12AU7s in thee positions as they're smaller, and require less heater current, but they are also not very linear- not anywhere near as linear when driven off of the plate as the 6SN7. The 6SN7's "body" and fullness is complimentary to the overall voicing of the amplifier. I've used several other tubes here, and the 6SN7 was simply the winner.
As far as bass, the amplifier has very clean, tight and extended bass that extends nicely to below 30 hz. Since the feedback in the amplifier is variable/defeatable, you can dial in as much damping factor as you desire in the bass, or run in triode mode with no external feedback, the natural internal feedback of the tubes has solid control and extension in the bass range (but not quite up to par with UL mode with the NFB engaged fully). I drive my Spectre 12 vented loudspeakers routinely with this amplifier and in room response extends into the 20s, and has enough impact and definition to startle you with any style of music. I am a bass player, and have played in working bands all of my life, so solid, and extended bass is not something I consider trivial!
I hope this helps, Aric