KEF LS50 Meta

I am looking at buying a pair… Seem to be reviewed very well… Haven’t had a chance to listen to them yet… Do you consider these audiophile bookshelf speakers? Thanks!



I really wouldn't care if someone else considers a speaker to be "audiophile", because that is subjective.....and often related to budget. My $3,000 Clayton Shaw Caladans (which are great speakers), would not be considered audiophile by a great many.

Before I bought mine, I did a comparison for bookshelf speakers, with: Buchardt Audio S400 MKIIs ($2,400), KEF LS50s ($1,600), Philharmonic BMRs ($2,000), and Ascend Acoustics Sierra 2-EX ($1,700). They are all really good speakers in the $2,000 price range, but in the end I chose the Buchardt S400 MKIIs.

The KEF LS50 Meta were great in my office, where I was listening about 5' away. However when I moved them to my main system (about 8' from listening position), they could not other have said, I think they are near field speakers.

In my room the Buchardts and the BMRs were the cream of the crop, and I could have been happy with either. The BMRs were back ordered about 4 months, and I am impatient, so kept the Buchardts....and have not regretted that decision, but I've often thought about the Philharmonic BMRs.

@vthokie83 that's a great story. I do think highly of the Buchardts. However, buying new speakers was my biggest mistake. I spent an enormous amount on my speakers and I could have saved 50% if I had bought used. And I could have spent that on another upgrade. Oh well. I still learned a lesson. 


That is true, buying used can certainly be a better way to purchase audio components. I just posted that because it was my experience, as I purchased new. The feeling about the speakers remains the same however, and each can be purchased used right 30% to 40% off of new prices.

When I was considering upgrading from my LS50 Meta + KC60 sub in a small room. I was questioning the merits of an upgrade since the system sounded great. I audition the $15k TAD ME-1 standmounts, I thought it was better than the LS50 but not 10x better. I was considering buying the Yamaha NS3000 standmount, since the Yamaha NS5000 that I own is so good (better than the TAD). The NS3000 is only available for me in Canada, but I have family there so not hard to buy it.

However, after buying the $1000 Magnepan LRS+ on a lark and getting great amplification I said there is no way I would like any standmount over the wall of sound (with depth) that I am getting with the LRS+. This is also in the same small room.

The LRS+ suffers a tiny bit with the details compared to the other standmounts I meantioned. However, that is not a big issue, and if it were (it is not), I would look at these Magnepan clones to upgrade from the LRS+.

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