Monitor Audio Gold 300 (5G) vs Monitor Audio Platinum 200 II

Besides of the price difference (and the technical differences such as frequency range, Gold starting from 30 Hz and going up to 'only' 50 kHz versus Platinum from 35 Hz to 100 kHz), somebody heard them side by side?


Is there a big difference in how they sound (using good equipment/amplifying)?

And what about room sensitivity/room control?


@Imcmalo: So you say the midrange of the Gold is from a newer generation, better?

actually I've heard them in my house I had the gold 300 G5 here and they sounded phenomenal I was going to buy them but I had to drag them into position and one of the feet actually ripped out of the speaker so I decided to try the platinum 200 ll, Boy what a difference as good as the gold G5 are The platinum were even better I would say that the gold 300G5 is about 80% as good as the platinum 200 ll.