Focal v Wilson

how would folks that have heard both compare a Focal Alto Utopia BE to a Wilson Watt/Puppy 7?



Why just these 2 speakers ?  Focal has a more lit up top end very detailed with the BE tweeter, Wilson ,a warmer sound with the soft dome .

that being said the Borresen line of speakers has that great ribbon tweeter and carbon fiber drivers that is very detailed and musical and their Xseries is a great buy, they have several series that is better and better based on your budget.

@edelbby Sir that older amp will make any modern speaker

sound very bad. The resolution of modern speakers are going to resolve every little problem you have with your older vintage amp that was never really made with the best parts. You really should sell that thing and buy a different amplifier and different level speaker. You’ll have a better result. Those vintage amps are too warm and fuzzy and have too much distortion for higher resolution modern speakers with more complicated crossovers and impedance dips. The old amps are too slow to keep up.

@audioman58 borreson I won’t play nice with vintage McIntosh. That’s like putting diesel fuel in a Ferrari.

@audioman58 even if you buy eight to $10,000 speakers that were originally 15 to 20, you have to understand that they are still going to need cables that cost about 15 to 20 grand to make them work right in your entire cable loom.

The biggest problem you have is your amplifier at the moment you need everything basically so you really need a budget that’s about triple to accomplish the sonic goals you’re looking for 1/3 on cables one on speakers and one on electronics.

Here’s an of a room in Munich High end with a $38,000 speaker from Rockport. They are similar in the 20-40k speakers you were looking at.



Room Components A4.2, F202 – HIGH END Munich2024

Rockport Technologies ATRIA II $38,000

Nagra HD Dac X $70,875

Absolare Integrated 2 Signature amplifier $40,000

Echole Infinity Cables:
XLR Digital Interconnect (3 feet) $13,700
XLR Analog Interconnect pair (3 feet) $28,500
Powercord (6 feet) $24,500
Speaker Cable (10 feet) $47,500

Everything at that level matters and the speakers are the cheapest thing on the menu. At this level resolution you need to spend more on the cables and the electronics than the speakers.