Mad Scientist Audio Speaker Cable

I had another discussion going about either to go with Nordost or Audioquest speaker cable but I came across Mad Scientists Audio Ultra Magic Speaker cable. Steve Huff compared it to Nordost Valhalla 2 and found they are equal to them with lot less money. Has anyone  bought these and what does the audiophile community think about these cables?


I don’t mind the name of the company if the sounds is equal to Nordost Valhalla.

I have read some really good things about this company from down under, and they have been making some quality cables for some time, I haven’t yet tried any myself but read plenty of good reviews.

Having said that I think Huff says whatever will get him plenty of hits and views.

One thing is for sure, if these Mad Scientist cables were sold through a dealer they would be twice as expensive as they are.

30 day money back guarantee- try them and let us know!

They seem to have a small customer base here in the US, but the feedback from users is consistently very positive from what I’ve seen. 

I was pleased with my interactions with the company and with its products - excellent bang for buck