Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700

I recently upgraded my power amp from a Nakamichi PA7Aii to PS Audio M700 monoblocks.  I honestly expected to flip the M700 pair quickly because I did not think they would be better than the PA7Aii.  The M700s actually provide a wider and more detailed soundstage.  I sold the Nak.

I listen (often passively) for several hours each day.  I began to identify a 'shrill' on the high end.  Since I had upgraded my DAC (DirectStream Mk1) I initially thought that could be it.  I rotated three DACs through the system (DS, N130, and Eversolo DMP-A6).  All of them had the shrill.  I then put in an old NAD 7600 and the shrill went away along with a lot of the detail.  Put the M700 back in and used the EQ from the DMP-A6 streamer to limit extreme high end.  Ended up with a -1 Q starting at 19,500 Hz that solved the shrill, but also muddied the high end detail.  I don't trust the EQ a lot and figure more is being impacted than the targeted range.

This led me to consider upgrading the M700 pair.  I have a  pair of Acoustat 1+1 speakers with low sensitivity efficiency (81 to 86 depending on who the source is) with a pair of Rythmik F12SE subs and an active crossover at 100 Hz controlled by the SPL Crossover.  My budget is around $6K.

Looked at the Pass XA25.  Not certain there is enough power there although a Pass representative encouraged my to try it.  I was hoping to get two used and use them as mono blocks.  

The Schiit Tyr has been on my short list for awhile (prior to buying the M700).  The Schiit AI tool actually stated the Tyr was not a good match and suggested other Schiit amps.  This seemed strange to me.  I sent an email to Schiit seeking clarification, but have not heard back.  I may go to there store in LA this week to talk to someone live.  

The Coda #8 came up as an option as I was exploring.  I looked at other Coda used products, but #8 seems to match up best. (Well, the #16 matched up best, but was more than double my budget).  I will go take a look at it later this week.  Not a mono block but could work.

I am essentially seeking the last 1-2% of the detail the Acoustats can provide.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

One final note.  I am not interested in tube power amps.  I don't like the fussiness of tubes and the Acoustats seem to pick up the hum from tubes. I know it shouldn't happen with their sensitivity, but I notice it.  It could be my prejudice, but please no tube suggestions.


@thriftyaudio That's too bad! I have always gotten a prompt response when I've reached out to Schiit. I don't know why you wouldn't have heard anything back. Also weird about the fuse issue. I hope the XA-25 turns out to be the ticket for you then.

@sid-hoff-frenchman I think the fuse was due to the 0.5 Ohm issue at 17000 Hz playing at over 80db measured from three meters away.  The Schiit AI said the Tyr were not at match and the Aegir2 or Vidar could be better matches.  Without a response from Schiit I won't give them another chance.  

At least Nelson Pass has responded to every email I have ever sent to Pass Labs and the only product I had at the time was a licensed Stasis amp from Nakamichi.  I will put my trust in the Pass products.  He believes the XA25 will work well with the Acoustats and the Rythmiks.

If there is an issue, I believe Pass Labs will help me work through it.

Received the XA25 this afternoon and connected it right away.  It is a used unit and I am the second owner.  OMG, so far this is amazing.  The bass control is so far beyond anything I have ever experienced with the Luxman 1040, NAD 7600, PS Audio M700, Nakamichi PA 7Aii, and Schiit Tyr.  I actually had to adjust the Rythmik F12SE subs to a lower crossover (from 100 to 80 Hz) and lower the gain on the subs.  The soundstage is beyond what I was hoping for and the separation of instruments is amazing.  Aaron Copeland's Fanfare for the Common Man made me feel like I was in the 1st or second row center seat.  I know it is just a few hours, but wow!  This is better than anything I have ever listened too in any audio store.  

I will let the newness sink in and provide follow up later.  I also need to confirm the spectral analysis in correct.  The bass may still be a bit rich.  Time to play.

Congrats! I had XA30.8 the bass was big.  When I upgraded to X260.8 I actually had to change the interconnects as the bass was completely overpowering everything. When you’re changing amps it is a major impact to the sound of your system and might require cables changes as well as changes in speaker placement. Give the Pass amp a few days to settle and start playing with speaker placement. Pull them more into the room and consider bass traps. Room acoustics is something we often overlook but is an extremely important aspect of tuning a system. Good luck!

Wow, am I amazed at what a difference the Pass Labs XA-25 makes compared to the Schiit Tyr, PS Audio M700, and others.  The soundstage is more of a wrap around rather than left to right or top to bottom.  The featured instruments (or voices) are distinct with depth on the stage.  

The only drawback I have is the max output with my inefficient, but amazing Acoustat 1+1 speakers, is 89 db measured at 3 meters (9-10 ft).  I use this measure since that is the prime listening location, although most of my critical listening is off to one side by three feet.  When I scale back the PS Audio Direct Stream Mk. 1 to 92, rather than 100, the peak is 86 db, but the sound is purer.  This is good for 99% of my listening.  Just can't crank it for the one or two parties of the year (then only for 30-60 minutes).  I can live with it.

The sweet spot is enlarged with this amp due to removing the speaker toe-in previously utilized.  I found the soundstage was improved without the toe-in.  This is a first.  I also lowered the sub active crossover to 80 db.  The XA-25 really bumped up the bass in the Acoustats.  The final adjustment was a -24db to the high and a -12 db to the subs.  A small but impactful difference.  The SPL Crossover really helped.  I am certain a JL CR-1 could provide similar results.

The XA-25 does run warm.  I have elevated it two inches and provide 6+" above and on all sides.  I turn it off over night, or when I am out of the house.

I thought I needed dual monoblocks for this type of soundstage.  It makes me wonder what this amp would do as dual monoblocks?  I believe I have my power amp for the next several years.  Thanks for all your thoughts and comments.