consider a Wadax.
no, not the Level 4 $300k beast i have in my room, the new at Munich........Wadax STUDIO PLAYER.
get Wadax magic around $35k retail. was the talk of the show.
From Rossini Apex to ????
Hi Folks. I just recently upgraded my Holo May Kitsune Edition DAC to a Rossini Apex and am very impressed with the DCS. It has an amazingly black background (the instruments are all that IS), great instrument separation, discerns textures and nuances beautifully, and has very detailed and controlled bass. I do think the Holo May has a sweeter midrange. May not be more accurate, but sweeter. I've heard of notable improvement when adding the DCS clock, but that's another $10k plus cables. I'm thinking it might be worth trying other DACs. Right now, top contenders might include the Mola Mola Tambaqui and the Grimm MU-2. For those of you who know the Rossini, and perhaps understand my desire to get sweeter midrange but not lose any of the other great qualities of the Rossini Apex - what do you recommend and why? Thanks, Peter