Because you "have been measuring" while Nelson and Viktor built tons of gear people love, buy and keep for years. For some reason I trust their engineering chops more than yours. Why is that?
Why do you trust anyone? You are buying a product, not the person. It is not like Nelson is going to come to your house with that amplifier. He has built a product that competes with thousands of others. He doesn't provide an ounce of reliable information as to why his amplifiers are better sounding. He wants you to believe that they do and you do. Countless fellow audiophiles are yours who read ASR want reliable information and measurements give that to them. They also want to learn the underlying science and engineering which again, ASR provides.
In contrast, you seem to be wanting people to buy products just because of someone's reputation. Which you are welcome to do but then don't ask me to tell you who you are.
Why are you even here?
You are in a thread that is specifically about ASR and how a company attempted to shut down my evaluation of their product and that of another reviewer. Instead of commenting on that and defending the right of free press, some of you have drifted into misinformation and insults about me and work I do. So once in a while I answer when I get a notification about this thread and me being mentioned.
BTW, in your personal gear you list Levinson and not your "top measuring" gear. Why is that? How do they say at MSFT? Eat your own dogfood? Oh and what were great achievement of "Digital Media" at Microsoft? Like... none? Refusal to support lossless perhaps? Inability to even make a decent media player?
On your first question, I bought a great system some 15 years ago before I started measuring anything. The most important part of my system is Revel Salon 2 speakers. When John Atkinson of Stereophile was asked which speaker he likes after hundreds he had tested, he said Revel Salon 2, mentioning that "he almost cried when he had to return them."
My DAC has since been upgraded from Mark Levinson to Topping.
The amplifiers remain Mark Levinson. They produce 500 watts into 8 ohm and nearly twice as much into 4 ohm. I need the power to drive the rather insensitive Salon 2 and other speakers I test. Had I not own them, I would not buy them however and instead, would get a Hypex based amplifier.
Finally, on Microsoft, products my team designed have shipped in billions of products and I don't just mean Windows. Whenever you watch video and your bandwidth drops and so does the fidelity of the stream, that is technology we invented in the company we sold to Microsoft to adapt stream quality to bandwidth. We were pioneers in streaming, for which, I was proud to receive the 3rd Emmy award for technologies developed in my team:
Any more off-topic comments you have that you want me to address?