Time heals all wounds?

Maybe this is true. I have an old NAD cd player that I keep because it decodes HDCD. A couple months ago it stopped reading discs. I didn't do anything aas fast as getting it looked at or replacing it. A few days ago, I tried it again...and it now works perfectly. Go figure...


@barts , "Shops are not kind to ancient 'out to pasture' audio gear."

A couple of 'spring shop scrubs' ago, took down the Sony receiver & 5 cd player, and the SAE 2 band & channel parametric eq; the latter the only 'vintage' of the bunch.  The SAE and the player are essentially sealed or opted to not hassle to do more than vac, clean the obvious, lube as req'd.all that moves or slides....

The receiver, with the case top and sides off had a eighth- to a quarter-inch of sawdust on anything 'top-up'.....but, Hey...SS, A/B...

Can't kill it with a stick...



3,701 posts


Is there a market for old/vintage NADs? (no, not those "old nads"!)

Integrated amp with phono stage, power amp, and tuner, all from the way early days (early 80's), all work, and they could use a good home where they are appreciated.

Probably if it's priced right. I've had numerous NAD products over the years and always loved them. 


154 posts


Procrastination solves all problems. In life too.

I keep meaning to procrastinate. I just never get around to it.

After reading the review link I posted, I understand why I kept and used them in various systems for over 40 years!  I now sort of want to get the 3140 serviced and find somewhere to use it.

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