DAC with the best midrange ever.....

Please keep this topic straight to the question and try not to go off tangent. I am very specific with this need.
Most musical and melodic dac, I DONT LIKE the new benchmark dac even with all the rave out there that much but I liked the Musical Fidelity A324 dac.
The Audio Aero Capitol was nice but I prefered the SONY SCD1 even though its much older. I am a huge analog fan...
This should give you an idea as to what I am actually trying to find if you have had any of the mentioned units.
Go here to learn about the current Trade-Up Promotion, which features a trade in up to $1,000 for any transport or DAC, based on the original MSRP. So, for $2,000 plus the trade on your old/current $1,000(+) DAC and/or transport...
The only DACs I have heard that sound like music itself are the Weiss Minerva and Medea. Not to thin, not too warm, just like music.
Just put an MHDT Paradisea+ into my system. Most "musical" DAC I've yet to hear! My next upgrade will probably be to their Havana model. Stupid, low price too, which is always nice... Mid's are liquid and smooth; RBCD and digital streams are both just fantastic and almost like listening to SACD.... I'm really smitten!
If you love MHDT go Audio Note. The MHDT units are superb for the money but AN gives retains all the musicality and brings the instrument separation and micro dynamics that make it a stone's throw from really good vinyl with good material.
JADIS JS-1 MK3 with a separate power supply match with a CEC TL0 X
Nothing come close to that except for Zanden dac and also Audio note ...........